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Chemistry Organizations

Chemistry Organizations

ACS Chem Club

The Xavier ACS Chem Club is a student chapter of the American Chemical Society, the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to a single science. The national office of the ACS has recognized the Xavier chapter for outstanding or commendable achievements each year since 2000. Club members participate in a wide variety of community service activities and social events, and they offer a mentoring program to new students each year. Active members also attend conferences each year, with recent trips to Salt Lake City, Chicago, and Atlanta. For further information regarding the Chem Club, contact the executive board at acsc@xula.edu or the club co-advisor, Dr. Mike Adams, at mradams@xula.edu.

Phi Lambda Upsilon (PLU) 

The Xavier Chemistry Department is proud to host the Beta Xi chapter of Phi Lambda Upsilon (PLU), the national Chemistry Honor Society. This chapter was the first ever to be established on an HBCU campus and is still one of only a few. Students with 20 hours of Chemistry and commendable GPAs are invited to join this service oriented honor society which organizes numerous departmental, university and community service activities each year. For further information regarding PLU, contact the executive board at pluxavier@gmail.com or the club advisor, Dr. Stassi DiMaggio, scdimagg@xula.edu.