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Facilities and Instrumentation

Facilities and Instrumentation


Xavier's Chemistry Department is housed predominantly on the third and on the second floors of the Norman C. Francis (NCF) Academic Science Complex (1988) and the Academic Science Annex (1999). All faculty offices and Chemistry Stockroom are located on the third floor; eight teaching labs, four instrument rooms, seven large shared research labs and four small research labs are located on the second and third floors.听 The Department has outstanding instrumentation for both teaching and research.听 An NIH-funded Research Centers in Minority Institutions grant has been providing funds to develop and support three Core Facilities at Xavier: Major Instrumentation, Drug Discovery and Delivery, and Cell and Molecular Biology. These Core Facilities are housed in the NCF Academic Science Complex and the adjacent Pharmacy building.听 In addition, collaborations with faculty at Tulane University, LSU Health Sciences Center, LSU Baton Rouge, and the University of New Orleans allow access to additional instrumentation and resources not available on Xavier's campus

Analytical InstrumentsLocationContact Person
NMR spectrometers:
Agilent 400MR DD2 with broadband probe36-307V. Kolesnichenko
Bruker Fourier 300 with听1H/13C probe36-307V. Kolesnichenko
Anasazi 90 MHz with Bruker cryogen-free magnet36-320G. Goloverda
Magritek Spinsolve Carbon 43 MHz benchtop37-360Goloverda/Sridhar
Oxford Instruments Pulsar 60 MHz benchtop37-361S. Weaver
MALDI TOF mass-spectrometer:
Bruker Autoflex MALDI TOF/TOF mass-spectrometer37-272T. Watt
ESI mass-spectrometers (LC-MS):
Thermo TSQ Vantage Triple Stage Quadrupole Mass06-405G. Wang
Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL Mass Spectrometer/HPLC06-405G. Wang
Thermo Q-Exactive Mass Spectrometer06-419G. Wang
Thermo Finngan TSQ Quantum Ultra Mass Spectrometer36-320V. Kolesnichenko
HPLC systems
Agilent 1100 series HPLC-UV system36-307G. Wang
Shimadzu LC-20AT HPLC with UV/Fluorescence Detector36-304G. Wang
Waters semi-prep HPLC-PDA detector / fraction collector37-273S. DiMaggio
Teledyne Combiflash Rf听200319/321Goloverda/Sridhar
Agilent 1200 Infinity HPLC with variable wavelength detector36-321J. Sridhar
Gas Chromatography systems
Agilent 6890N/5973 GC-MS36-320G. Wang
Agilent 6850/5975C GC-MS36-320G. Wang
Agilent 6890/5975C GC-MS36-320G. Wang
Agilent 6850 Capillary GC with Flame Ionization Detector37-370K. Morgan
GOW-MAC 350 GC37-361S. Weaver
Shimadzu GC-8A37-361S. Weaver
Optical spectrometers
Beckman DU 7400 UV-VIS36-320V. Kolesnichenko
Beckman DU 800 UV-VIS36-320V. Kolesnichenko
Shimadzu 1024PC UV-VIS36-320V. Kolesnichenko
Varian CARY 50 Scan UV-VIS36-320V. Kolesnichenko
Thermo Nicolet 380 FT-IR36-320V. Kolesnichenko
Thermo Nexus 470 FT-IR with smart i-TR accessory36-320V. Kolesnichenko
Thermo Nicolet 380 FT-IR with Smart Orbit Accessory37-360T. Birdwhistell
Thermo Nicolet iS-5 FT-IR (2)37-361S. Weaver
Jasco J-1500 circular dichroism spectropolarimeter37-272T. Watt
Agilent Cary 60 UV-vis37-272H. Williamson
TENSOR II FTIR Spectrometer with MCT Detector36-302S. Dutta
Electrochemistry instruments
Princeton VersaSTAT 3 Potentiostat听36-304Z. Wang
BASi Epsilon electrochemical analyzer37-340V. Kolesnichenko
Gamry Potentiostats EIS/ battery testing36-302L. Meda
Gamry Reference 600 potentiostat/galvanostat/ZRA36-319M. Ali
Other instruments
Perkin Elmer Optima 5300 DV ICP-OES36-320B. Bilyeu
Rigaku MiniFlex II Powder X-ray Diffractometer36-302V. Kolesnichenko
Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS Particle Analyzer36-319G. Goloverda
Waters GPC System with 2414 Refractive Index Detector36-320
Olis DM45 Spectrofluorimeter37-370M. Foroozesh
AtagoPolax-2L polarimeters37-361S. Weaver
Linux Molecular Modeling Workstations (3)06-420M. Mottamal
Panvera BEACON 2000 Fluorescence Polarization System36-319M. Ali
Bio-Tek microplate reader spectrometers: HT, H1m, EPOCH272/316T. Watt
Kodak Gel Logic 200 imaging system37-276T. Watt
Carestream Gel Logic 220 PRO imaging system36-316T. Watt
Labconco FreeZone Lyophillizer37-273S. DiMaggio
Parr Shaker Hydrogenator36-321J. Sridhar
QCM922A Quartz Crystal Microbalance and EQCM36-304Z. Wang