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English Programs

English & English Education

The University offers a B.A. in two programs

  1. prepares students for graduate school in English and the humanities. Write to the Department Head, Dr. Oliver Hennessey, for information (ohenness@xula.edu).
  2. leads to certification to teach English Education (grades 6-12). For information, contact EE Director, Dr. Robin Runia at rrunia@xula.edu

Students interested in exploring literary writing may enroll in CRWT courses; the CRWT minor (18 hours) allows students to focus on polishing their skills. Workshop-style courses are available in Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Dramatic Writing; the Creative Thesis option is also available to qualifying students. For more information, contact CRWT Director Mr. James Shade at jhshade@xula.edu.

Professional Writing (PRWT)

Professional Writing classes help students to improve their prose, giving them confidence in writing on the job or for publication.  PRWT classes, taken as electives, can help a student to improve his or her “public” writing. The PRWT minor (18 hours), when combined with the major of one’s choice, can prove to be a winning combination. (Looks great on a transcript!) For more information, contact PRWT Director, Ms. Katheryn Laborde at klaborde@xula.edu.


Double Concentration (PRWT/CRWT)

double concentration (24 hours) in PRWT and CRWT is also available. For more information, contact Ms. Katheryn Laborde at klaborde@xula.edu.