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Advising Xavier University Students

Xavier University’s mission involves preparing students for service and leadership in a global society. We realize that a crucial ingredient in the success of our leaders is a meaningful and relevant international experience. Thus, we encourage every Xavier student to participate in a meaningful international experience that will enhance their academic and career goals.  Our goal is to facilitate relevant  for students in every academic major. We encourage faculty and staff to learn more about Xavier international opportunities and our .

We invite all faculty and staff to get involved in building our capacity to graduate students from Xavier with outstanding international experience. 

Some of the suggested ways to get involved in the internationalization of Xavier are:

Professional Development

  • Internationalizing the Curriculum
  • Faculty-led Student Programs
  • Serving on Committees
  • Promoting International Activities on Campus

Please check this site often for professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.

  • Salzburg Global Seminar offers a series of seminars each year for college and university faculty and administrators. These theme-based seminars give participants insight into a specific theme or topic.
  • The Fulbright Scholar Programs offer U.S. faculty, administrators, professionals, and independent scholars the opportunity to conduct research; lecture; collaborate with counterparts in other countries on curriculum and faculty development; assist in institutional planning; faculty and student exchange; and Summer seminars or institutes for students and faculty. The awards cover a wide variety of disciplines and sub-disciplines. The competition opens on March 1. For additional information on the variety of grant chances, please visit the Fulbright website or contact Dr. Steven Salm at (504) 520-5272 sjsalm@xula.edu or Mrs. Karen Lee at (504) 520-5491 kwlee@xula.edu 
  • The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) offers educators the opportunity to participate in International Faculty Development Seminars (IFDS). The seminars are hosted by prestigious academic institutions abroad and focus on internationalizing the curricula. The CIEE has offered over 150 seminars in about 40 countries worldwide.
  • Brethren Colleges Abroad () offers a series of seminars each year for college and university faculty and administrators. These theme-based seminars, held at BCA study centers around the world, give participants insight into a specific theme or topic and help them understand the host country and its culture. International research is a good way for faculty and staff to make connections in other countries while enhancing your professional qualifications. Your peers in other countries are often a great way to network, find resources and partner on research.